Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Delightful Day in Fort Collins, Colorado

Last week I was fortunate enough to travel to Fort Collins, Colorado and spend the day with beautiful friends in a beautiful city. Angela, a friend of mine for over 20 years, and I started the day at The Bean Cycle in Old Town; known for having an ample supply of coffee & books, I am surprised that we ever made it back out the door for me to explore any other parts of Fort Collins. Unfortunately, I will now forever crave their delicious Lady Chatterly's latte, made with lavender-infused espresso. Though I did not leave with a copy of the novel that inspired the latte's name, I did leave with other treasures, including Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, Make Your Place a book of tutorials teaching "how to craft a sustainable domestic life outside of consumer consciousness," and a Colorado t-shirt, of course;) 


Having worked up quite an appetite from chatting over coffee and rummaging through used books, we met the lovely Crystal for lunch at Tasty Harmony. "No love lost when you eat at Tasty Harmony" due to their organic vegetarian goodness! Not only was there no love lost, but I'd have to say that there was definitely some love gained for this charming eatery and its scrumptious food.  

With bellies full and cheeks sore, we said our farewells to Crystal as she made her way back to Lyons and Angela and I made our way to Horsetooth Reservoir for a view of the beautiful Rocky Mountain Foothills.


  1. Yeah you updated your blog! So good to see you and thanks for taking all those fabulous pics at Angela's shower!

  2. WooHoo! I loved our time together!! As I was scrolling through the picture was surprised at how much I didn't notice at the bean cycle - two of the pictures I have never noticed. ;) Thank you again for coming to Fort Collins and my baby shower- it was a fabulous weekend!!!!!
